Tomoë I.M. Steineck
Visual Culture - History - Analysis

Lectures & Conference Activity


November 23-25

Panel chair

International Symposium: "Japan’s Imperial Mythology: De/Sacralization in the Context of Exegesis, Politics and Folklore" organised by the University of Tübingen

May 5-7

Inari 稲荷 as a hayarigami 流行神 and the social dynamics surrounding this deity

International conference: "Comparing Chinese, Korean, and Japanese religions", organised by the Confucius Institute and the History and Anthropology of Religions Unit at the University of Genève


December 8-10

Contested Images in the East-West Exchange: Siebold’s Nippon and Japanese Popular Depictions of Gods

"Inaugural Conference: Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective", organised by the University of Nürnberg-Erlangen Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences


June 28-29

The Protestant Perception of Japanese Buddhism in the age of Imperialism: a case study of the Swiss-German Mission in the 19th century

"Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West" University of Cambridge Postgraduate Online Conference


August 30 – September 2

Beyond Materiality: The Potential of a Non-Material Collection as a Historical Witness for Religious and Art Historical Studies

15th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies, Lisbon


October 27

Des révélations sur les kakemono de la Fondation Martin Bodmer (The Collection of kakemono at the Fondation Martin Bodmer)

Lecture @ Fondation Martin Bodmer Geneva. Part of AUTOMNE DE LA CULTURE JAPONAISE 2016 - 日本文化の秋2016

October 19

Die Sammlung Spinner: Ein Fenster zur Religiosität der japanischen Frühmoderne

Lecture @ Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna

March 29

Golden key or rusty iron? The Usefulness of Comprehensive Databases for Museums: The Example of JBAE

International Conference "Japanese Cultural Assets and Digitalization"
国際会議「日本の文化財とデジタル化」organized by ARC Ritsumeikan University, CEEJA and The Department of Japanese Studies of The University of Strasbourg

January 20-21


International Symposium ヨーロッパにおける日本文化資源研究とその成果 (明治大学大学院文学研究科/文部科学省・私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業) organised by the Meiji University, Tokyo


May 13

"Die Nacht des blauen Diamantkönigs – und andere durchwachte Nächte" (The night of the blue diamond king and other sleepless nights)

Lecture @ Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zurich, lecture series for the exhibition Tokens of the Path


July 28


International Workshop『欧州コレクションにおける日本の宗教画と「おふだ」が伝える江戸時代の信仰』(在欧日本仏教美術の基礎的調査・研究とデータベース化による日本仏教美術の情報発信プロジェクト) organised by the Hosei University Tokyo

Autumn term

Advanced Japanese Studies Course: Performance Art in Japan and their religious elements

Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Dept. of Japanese Studies, University of Zurich

Spring term

Advanced Japanese Studies Course: Testimonies of Japanese religion in the transitional era from the early modern to the modern period



February 11-12

Research and Evaluation of Japanese Buddhist Objects in European Museums: Lessons of a Digitalisation Project

Siebold’s Vision of Japan as Represented in Japan-related Collections in the West, co-organized by Ruhr University Bochum and the National Institutes for the Humanities Japan


June 4-6

Collections of Japanese Buddhist art in European museums: First results of the current project

International Symposium “Japanese Buddhist Objects in European Collections and Their Impact on the European Image of Japan”, Organiser/ Speaker, co-organised with the University of Poznan, Poland

Spring term

Undergraduate Japanese History II Course: History of Culture in Japan



June 17

Launch and mission statement of the JSPS Digital Humanities Project & Database J.B.A.E. (Japanese Buddhist Art in Europe)

Digital Humanities Strategies Conference 法政大学国際日本学研究所「欧州の博物館等保管の日本仏教美術資料の悉皆調査とそれによる日本及び日本観の研究」プロジェクトorganised by the Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies

Spring term

Undergraduate Japanese History II Course: History of Culture in Japan

Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Dept. of Japanese Studies, University of Zurich (AOI-UZH)

Last updated: January 2024