Journal Articles
| Forthcoming 2024 summer | “The Visuals of True Faith: Protestant Iconoclasm and the Image Conflict in Japan.” in Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices. Inaugural Conference Issue I. Ed. by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences on Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective, University of Nürnberg-Erlangen |
Forthcoming 2024 spring | “Declaring Buddhism dead in the 19th century: The Meiji Oligarchy and Protestant mission in Japan.” East Asian Journal of Philosophy (3/1): 25-45. ISSN: 2813-0448 | |
| 2020 | “Kanda Sōtei: The Shogun’s Sacred Painters and their Realm of Influence.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 47(2):305-340. |
2015 | “Japonia luxurians. Zwischen reichhaltiger Oberfläche und bedeutungsvoller Schlichtheit”. Co-authored with Steineck, Raji C. Der Blaue Reiter 36: 63-67. | |
2013 | “Review of MCCALLUM, DONALD F.: Hakuhō Sculpture. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012.” Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques 67(3): 1039-1044. | |
2008 | “Tasks of Cross-border Curation - 'Treasures of a Holy Mountain: Daigo-ji - The Secret Buddhism of Japan.“ Orientations 39(3): 37-47. | |
2003 | Kreiner, Tomoe I.M.: “Japans Schönheit, Japans Seele: Zur Ausstellung von Meisterwerken aus dem Tokyo National Museum.“ Ostasiatische Zeitschrift 5:30-35. | |
| 2013 | Steineck, T.; Kreiner, J; Steineck, R. eds. Japanese Collections in European Museums IV: Buddhist Art. Bonn: Bier’ische Verlagsanstalt |
Contributions to Edited Volumes
| 2016 | “Ofuda or not: Defining a Philosophical Collection – Understanding Japanese Religiosity Through A Material Collection.” In: Kreiner, Josef. Japanese Collections in European Museums V: With Special Reference to Buddhist Art. Bonn: Bier'sche Verlagsanstalt, 97-109. |
2015 | “Research and Evaluation of Japanese Buddhist Objects in European Museum: Lessons of a Digitalization Project.” In Siebold's Vision of Japan: As seen in Japan-related Collections in the West. [シーボルトが紹介したかった日本欧米における日本関連コレクションを使った日本研究]. Proceedings of the Bochum Ruhr University International Symposium. Eds. by the Museum of Japanese History. Sakura: Human cultural study organization, 281-288. | |
“The Collection of Japanese Art by Victor and Marianne Langen, Langen Foundation Neuss.” In: Kreiner, J (ed.). Japanese Collections in European Museums Vol. III: Regional Studies. Bonn: Bier'sche Verlagsanstalt, 375-381. | ||
The Japanese Collection of the Foundation Martin Bodmer, Geneve: An Introduction.” In: Kreiner, J (ed.). Japanese Collections in European Museums Vol. III: Regional Studies. Bonn: Bier'sche Verlagsanstalt, 361-366. | ||
2013 | “Introduction.” In: Steineck,T (eds.). Japanese Collections in European Museums Vol. IV: Buddhist Art. Bonn: Bier’ische Verlagsanstalt, 3-9. | |
“A Summary of the State of Research Pertinent to the Emma-ten Image and Its Application to European Examples.” In: Steineck,T (eds.). Japanese Collections in European Museums Vol. IV: Buddhist Art. Bonn: Bier’ische Verlagsanstalt, 343-351. | ||
Catalogues of Curated Exhibitions
| 2014 | Flitsch, Mareile (ed). Tokens of the path: Japanese devotional and pilgrimage images: the Wilfried Spinner Collection (1854-1918). Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers. |
2008 | Bundeskunsthalle (ed.). Tempelschätze des heiligen Berges Daigo-ji: Der geheime Buddhismus in Japan. Munich: Prestel | |
2003 | Bundeskunsthalle (ed.). Japans Schönheit Japans Seele. [日本の美 日本の心]. München: Prestel Verlag | |
2003 | Bundeskunsthalle (ed.). Göttliches Alter – Ewige Jugend: Nō Masken aus der Sammlung Naitō, Nobeoka. Bonn: Bundeskunsthalle | |
Contributions in Curated Catalogues
| 2015 | “Recherche et évaluations des objets bouddhiques Japonais dans les collections Européennes (JBAE).” In: Ducor, Jérôme; et al. Le bouddhisme de Madame Butterfly. Le japonisme bouddhique. Milan: Silvana, 100. |
“La collection Wilfried Spinner, Musée d'ethnographie de l'université de Zürich.”Co-authored with Wernsdörfer, M. In: Ducor, Jérôme; et al. Le bouddhisme de Madame Butterfly. Le japonisme bouddhique. Milan: Silvana, 110. | ||
2014 | “Tokens of the path: Japanese devotional and pilgrimage images: the Wilfried Spinner Collection (1854-1918).” In: Flitsch, Mareile (ed). Tokens of the path: Japanese devotional and pilgrimage images: the Wilfried Spinner Collection (1854-1918). Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 34-53. | |
„The Social Functions of Temples and their Clerics in Japan.” In: Flitsch, Mareile (ed). Tokens of the path: Japanese devotional and pilgrimage images: the Wilfried Spinner Collection (1854-1918). Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 54-65. | ||
“Tokens of the path: Japanese devotional and pilgrimage images: the Wilfried Spinner Collection (1854-1918). The Catalogue.” In: Flitsch, Mareile (ed). Tokens of the path: Japanese devotional and pilgrimage images: the Wilfried Spinner Collection (1854-1918). Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 68-217. | ||
2008 | “Die Struktur des bildlichen Ausdrucks im geheimen Buddhismus.“ In: Bundeskunsthalle. Tempelschätze des heiligen Berges Daigo-ji: Der geheime Buddhismus in Japan. München: Prestel Verlag, 12-21. | |
Contributions to other exhibitions and translation work | 2005 | Bundeskunsthalle (ed.). Dschingis Khan und seine Erben. [Genghis Khan and his heirs]. Munich: Hirmer. Exhibition at the Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany (May 16 - September 25, 2005). |
2004 | Tokyo National Museum (ed.) Arts of East and West from World Expositions. 1855-1900: Paris, Vienna and Chicago. [世紀の祭典:万国博覧会の美術]. Tokyo: Tokyo National Museum. Exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum and touring (July 6 - August 29, 2004) | |
2004 | Nara National Museum, Gyeongju National Museum (eds.). Ōgon no kuni Shiragi: Ōbyō no shihō. [黄金の国・新羅: 王陵の至宝]. Nara: Nara National Museum. Exhibition at the Nara National Museum (July 4 - August 29, 2004) |
Digital Humanities & Database Project J.B.A.E.: online since 2013
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