Tomoë I.M. Steineck
Visual Culture - History - Analysis

Exhibitions, Tenure & Projects

2002 - 2003 Co-curator and project manager at the Art & Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany for:

2004 – 2005 International liaison department officer and English exhibition text advisor at the Tokyo National Museum & cooperation with the Nara National Museum for:

2004 – 2005 Exhibition loan negotiator, curator and courier for Art & Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany for:

  • „Dschingis Khan und seine Erben. Blüte und Niedergang der Steppenreiche Zentralasiens“, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn. (Genghis Khan and his Heirs, 16.06.– 25.09.2005)

2005 – 2008 Chief-curator and project manager at the Art & Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany for:

2010 – 2013 Chief curator of the Digital Humanities Project JBAE, an international joint project between the University of Zurich and the Hosei University Tokyo, funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:

2010 – 2018 collection evaluation & object research for Japanese religious objects across European Museums in conjunction with the JSPS Digital Humanities Project JBAE, amongst others at:

  • Austria: MAK (Vienna)
  • Belgium: Brussels Royal Museums of Fine Arts
  • Croatia: Rovinj Heritage Museum
  • Czech Republic: National Gallery in Prague, Naprstek Museum, etc.
  • France: Musée Georges Labit Toulouse, Cernuschi Museum of the Asian arts of Paris, Musée de l'Homme, Bibliothèque nationale de France, etc.
  • Germany: Museum für Asiatische Kunst Berlin, Linden Museum Stuttgart, MKG Hamburg, Ueberseemuseum Bremen, Five Continents Museum Munich, etc.
  • Greece: National Museum of Asian Art Corfu
  • Irland: Chester Beatty Library
  • Italy: MAO Torino, National Museum of Oriental Art Tucci Rome, Pigorini National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography
  • Netherlands: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde Leiden (current Wereld Museum), etc.
  • Portugal: Museum of the Orient
  • Russia: State Museum of Oriental Art Mosecow, etc.
  • Spain: National Museum of Decorative Arts
  • Switzerland: Rietberg Museum, MEG Geneve, Ethnographic Museum at the University of Zurich, Ethnological Museum Neuchatel, etc.
  • UK: British Museum (Collection of Edo period Buddhist objects)

The database JBAE is currently undermaintenance and reopening will be announced by the Hosei University

2013 - present Visiting Researcher of the Hosei University Tokyo

2013 –2014 Guest curator at the Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich (Ethnographic Museum, UZH) for the exhibition:

2013 - 2016 Scientific advisor to the Musée d'ethnographie de Genève for:

2015-2017 Assessment and cataloguing of the new Wilfrid Spinner bequest of 2015 on behalf and funded by the Spinner family.

2015 - present Affiliated researcher of NichibunkenInternational Research Center for Japanese Studies International Cooperation Project:

  • Reconsideration of Japanese religious history based on the concept of discrimination: the logic of sanctity and banality as seen in the traditions of religious and secular sovereignty“ /国際日本文化研究センター共同研究員・磯前順一共同研究グループ「差別から見た日本宗教史再考─社寺と王権に見られる聖と賤の論理」

2015 - present Cooperation and contribution to the Swiss database e-Codices and the Foundation Bodmer Geneve

2015 - present Ph.D. project @University of Tübingen, Dept. of Japanese Studies

2016 - 2020 Research Project Kanda Sōtei @ University of Zurich Department of Japanese Studies:

2017 Cooperation with the Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich and the Goethe Stadt Museum Ilmenau for:

2020 International Promotion Project, World Heritage Kyoto Daigoji Temple

2020 Corfu Museum of Asian Art, National Greek Collection

  • Tea ceremony arrangement project & donation on behalf of Hiromi Furusho-Kreiner